"No Fucking Here"

"For Matisse"

"Please Momma I'll Be Good"

"Self Portrait After Vukovar"

"Death Reclines in a Rainbow Room After a Hard Day of Reaping"
Mark Zlomislic
My art resides in the tension between the eternal and the temporal. It explores the human need for security and the inevitability of an impermanence I have difficulty accepting. I paint to capture moments of time that reveal frailty and vitality, joy and sorrow, decline and glory. Born in Rakitno, Hercegovina, I have lived and studied in Vienna, Paris, Munich and Zagreb. My influences include Bacon, Balthus and Tom Thompson. My work is included in numerous private collections throughout North America and Europe. My gallery and studio are located in Cambridge, Canada. Contact: zlomislic@hotmail.com.
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