
Let us know if you have some amazing writing or artwork you would like featured in our magazine! We would love to hear from you.

NOTE: Our submissions window is now closed.

Issue 9:  Ireland. Guest edited by Irish performance poet and author Dave Lordan. 
SUBMISSIONS CLOSED as of the deadline date of April 15, 2013.
Audio/performance submissions will be considered for this issue. We welcome experimental artwork, poetry and fiction by Irish writers and artists—as well as Ireland-based expats/exchangees/travelers—and others who have crafted their work based on things, places, events and/or characters in Ireland or in Irish literature, legend or myth.

Issue 10:  Seven Deadly Sins.
SUBMISSIONS CLOSED as of the deadline date of August 31, 2013. We welcome experimental artwork, poetry, prose poetry and fiction. Pride (vanity), envy, gluttony, lust, anger, avarice (greed, covetousness), and sloth. We will be curating with an eye for non-clichéd, unique pieces and we hope to create a balanced issue of works showcasing each of the seven sins—in equal numbers.
Audio/performance submissions, with accompanying text transcripts, will gladly be considered for this issue.

Please do not send us submissions irrelevant to the issue themes; our time, like yours, is valuable.

We are interested in fiction—flash/sudden fiction, prose poetry, poetry, and short stories below 5000 words. Please, NO novel excerpts; we find, in general, that they don’t work on their own. Check out our magazine in order to get a feel for the form and caliber of the work we’re looking for.

PLEASE NOTE: By submitting to us, you are acknowledging that your work is purely fiction; any similarity/resemblance of characters or situations in your writing to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and unintended.

Here are our guidelines so you know what to send.


You must submit via our electronic submissions manager. Penduline accepts poetry, flash fiction, sudden fiction, short stories, and prose poetry. We love shorter work, and ask that longer pieces be below 5000 words. We do not accept previously published work; we accept simultaneous submissions but require that you promptly inform us if your work is accepted elsewhere.

Penduline asks for first serial rights and the right to keep your work in our archives. After publication, all other rights revert back to the author. Authors should, in any future reprints, mention that their work first saw publication in Penduline.


Penduline generally prefers art that is abstract, whether in themes or methods; we have a penchant for the asymmetrical and the bold, regardless of medium.

We prefer your images sent to us as .jpeg files, since .pdf files are harder to upload. Contributor photos as well as art images should ideally have a minimum dpi width of 450; larger images than that are perfectly okay.

You must submit via our electronic submissions manager. Penduline asks for the right to keep your artwork in our archives. After publication, all other rights revert back to the artist.

Ready to submit?

Once you have read the guidelines, and have your work and bio ready, just click away!

Submit to Penduline Press