In the Rain

These are the things that happened today in Wellington, in the rain: The wind from the harbour moved the curtains and touched the hairs of my arm with insistent promise, and the rain came into the street at a fighter-pilot angle. I stood on the overbridge that goes over the motorway from the Terrace and turned my face into the wind so that the rain lashed at my face like a solid thing. I walked down Courtenay Place with a friend late at night after the rain had stopped and we saw a girl’s silhouette curled up on her windowsill smoking and we shouted out to her that she was like something in a French movie and she said she couldn’t hear us and we walked on and by the time we came back she must have gone inside because she was gone.

Tom McLean

Tom McLean is a student at Victoria University of Wellington, and editor of Three Islands Magazine. His website is at

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